
Defending Against a Break-In: Homeowner Cleared After Seven Months


Burglar is standing on a ladder looking through a window.

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By Brad Fitzpatrick

A homeowner was awakened at approximately 3 a.m. by a noise in his home and found an assailant entering through the second-floor master bathroom window. The kicker: The suspect used the man’s own ladder to access the second-floor window to burglarize the home.

The homeowner retrieved a handgun to protect his family and fired one round that struck the burglar as he entered through the window. The suspect fell and died immediately. The homeowner’s spouse promptly contacted police. He also a member of US LawShield and called their hotline. They got their nearest program attorney on the line immediately.

Burglar is standing on a ladder looking through a window.

Though this may have seemed like a straightforward case of armed self-defense, the homeowner was investigated for nearly seven months. That creating a strain on him and his entire family.

He was also without his defensive firearm during the length of the investigation. It wasn’t until the following year that the attorney and client received official notice from the district attorney that he was declining to prosecute the case. The case was closed without charges, and the mans firearm was returned to him.

Moral of the story: even what seem like clear-cut, justified defensive gun uses can result in many months of uncertainty and potential legal jeopardy. Dealing with that can be mentally and financially stressful. Make sure you’re prepared to deal with aftermath of defending yourself and your family, no matter how long it takes.

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