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Determined Would-Be Murderer Meets the Power of Prayer… and a Pistol


Steve Goss, Jr. Courtesy Carroll County Sheriff’s Office.

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A Mississippi mom harnessed the power of prior planning, prayer and her pistol to protect her three small children and herself from a determined attacker earlier this week. It happened in Carroll County, Mississippi, on Monday. Cops say Steve Lamar Goss, Jr., a felon out on bond on a previous felony deadly weapons charge, didn’t have the muscle mass or smarts to kick in a door, so he drove his truck into the home’s dining room to make entry.

While Mr. Goss had not spent a day in a gym in his life, he had watched some slasher movies and brought his knife along. The mom, seeing the lunatic outside waving a knife trying to make entry into the house, herded her three small children into the family’s safe-room, a walk-in closet prior to Goss’ grand entrance.

As the woman prayed with her children, Goss forced entry on a closet the family had designated as their safe room. At that point, the mom turned from the power of prayer to the power of the pistol. She fired causing the big, bad wolf to flee in pain.

Cops caught up with his freshly mangled truck and tried to conduct a felony stop.  Mr. Goss opted instead to continue his single scrawny-man crime rampage.  He took off running, leaking blood, into a small convenience store. With tender loving care and great restraint (cough), the deputies took Goss into custody.

They charged him with four counts of attempted murder, burglary and he will likely face additional charges.

The sheriff had exceptionally high praise for the mom, but we’ll let 14News share that wonderful tidbit:

CARROLL COUNTY, Miss. (WLBT/Gray News) – Deputies say a Mississippi mother protected her three children by shooting a man who allegedly broke into the family’s home wielding a knife.

Carroll County deputies received a call for help Monday from a woman’s husband, who was at work in Greenwood. He told deputies that a knife-wielding man was attempting to enter his home in the Gravel Hill area while his wife and three children were hiding in a closet.

The husband then described the suspect and the vehicle he was in, a 2500 GMC pickup truck, WLBT reports.

When deputies arrived at the family’s home, the suspect, identified as 44-year-old Steve Lamar Goss Jr., had already driven away, according to a press release.

Deputies say before Goss left, he drove his truck into the home’s dining room after he could not kick the front door down.

While this was happening, the mother and her three children hid in a closet designated as the family’s safe room, the press release says. The mother prayed, and the children recited scripture.

When Goss found the family, he entered the closet, still holding a knife, according to the press release. The mother then shot him in the arm, and Goss fled.

“We can all learn a lot from this family about the importance of having an emergency plan in place in our homes and, most importantly, the power of prayer. I thank the Lord for this father’s preparation, the bravery shown by the mother and children and that what could have been a tragedy was transformed into a testimony of their faith in God,” Carroll County Sheriff Clint Walker said.

That’s some high praise from Sheriff Walker.

Does your family have plans for emergencies? Do you have a plan in case of fire? Or in case of a scrawny felon trying to bust in and murder everyone inside?

Every family should. And the whole family should practice it.

Safe rooms aren’t just for movies. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or equipped with a high-security steel door.  It just has to be agreed upon and well equipped with fundamentals like a phone (even old cell phones will call 911), a flashlight or two and maybe a fire extinguisher and hearing protection. Last but not least, your safety rescue tools should be present and ready to rumble.

I’m a fan of shotguns myself, but carbine rifles work nicely as well. Handguns will work, too.

Why do I like shotguns?  Well, Clint Smith said it best:

Yeah, it’s “age-restricted” but it’s 90 seconds of pure, always-memorable Clint Smith packed with all manner of fundamentals that everyone should take to heart.

Oh, and Mr. Goss? He’s being held without bond. He should have come to Illinois, home of no cash bail, to commit a crime like that and get released with a notice to appear.

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