

A hand of man practicing firing using a Glock gun model at the shooting range. Fire glock hand gun.

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We’ve all seen it. Someone holding a gun incorrectly at the range, sometimes in a way that’s going to hurt when they pull the trigger. Or, more alarming, someone failing to follow one or more of the four rules of firearm safety. As in the photo above.

If you’re at a supervised range, you’d hope the range safety officer would step in when someone does something really dangerous.

Top Gun Range Safety Gun Fail Head
courtesy Facebook and Aim0holiks

But they can’t be everywhere and see everything, particularly at a range with a large number of shooting lanes. In a situation like that, lots of experienced shooters will step in (or leave immediately).

But what if you see something that’s not dangerous, but bad form? A situation where a little help from someone with more experience could help a new or inexperienced shooter? Something like, say, the grip used in the stock photo above.

range train pistol grip teacup

The reality is, lots of people don’t take well to being corrected, no matter how well-intentioned the advice may be. Sidling into the next shooting lane and asking, “Mind if I give you a shooting tip?” might be intended as help, but might be perceived as annoying interference.

We all want to grow the shooting sports and get more people into guns. The more Americans who own firearms and have fun shooting them, the more effectively we can defend and extend the right to keep and bear arms. But tapping a stranger on the shoulder and telling him or her what you think they’re doing wrong may not be the best approach.

What would you do? Do you offer unsolicited help to other shooters at the range?

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