Robber pointing .45 at store clerk’s head runs into big problems when 3 gun-toting customers come to the rescue


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A robber who pointed a .45 at the head of a north Georgia convenience store clerk Monday evening ran into some serious problems when three customers came to the rescue while pulling their own guns.

What are the details?

The Ellijay Police Department said husband and wife Shawn Sutton and Melody Sutton, both 39, arrived at the Ideal Mart on Old Northcutt Road just before 6:30 p.m., after which Shawn Sutton entered the store pretending to be a customer while Melody Sutton waited in their car.

Police said Shawn Sutton pretended to buy an energy drink, then pulled a pair of women’s panties that were around his neck so that the panties covered his face — and then he went behind counter and pointed a .45 at the store clerk’s head, demanding money.

Unfortunately for Sutton, he hit the good-guy-with-a-gun jackpot on this particular evening.

Would you believe there were three legitimate customers at the store at the time — two inside the building and one pumping gas — and they all had guns, too, and were willing to pull them to make the situation right?

Well, believe it.

Police said one customer “legally carrying” a concealed gun “intervened in the robbery” while a second customer ran to his car, got his gun, and reentered the store to “assist the first customer in subduing the suspect.”

What’s more, as the suspect was trying to leave the store, the third customer at the gas pumps came inside the store with his gun “to assist,” police said.

The first customer then instructed the two other customers not to shoot since the suspect had been disarmed, police added.

When cops arrived, one officer told the suspect — who was still trying to leave — to get on the floor, police said. However, the suspect wasn’t doing as the officer instructed, so the officer used a Taser on him, after which suspect was taken into custody, police said.

Other officers took the suspect’s wife, Melody Sutton — who was in couple’s car — into custody without incident, police added.

Now what?

Shawn Sutton faces charges of armed robbery, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, police said.

Melody Sutton faces charges of armed robbery and intimidation, WSB-TV reported.

Police added that both Suttons were being held without bond at the Gilmer County Adult Detention Center.

The station, citing police, said all the customers had legal permits for their guns.

Bonus: Root Cellar That Can Be Used as a Bunker

root cellar that can be used as a bunker

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