At SHOT this year, GOSAFE was showing off their Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe products. These are magazine-shaped devices that insert into your pistol and are then locked by turning a bicycle lock-style key in the baseplate. This both locks the mag and either locks the entire action or just the trigger function of the firearm.
The Mobile Mag functions like a normal magazine and feeds rounds into the chamber of the firearm. When it’s locked, the stainless steel flange you see sticking out in front of the follower (above) locks the Mobile Mag in the gun and also blocks the trigger mechanism. However, you can cycle the slide to chamber and any eject ammunition.
The Mobile Safe is a solid unit that won’t hold any ammunition. When it’s locked into the firearm, it completely locks up the action (you can’t cycle the slide) as well as the trigger mechanism.
Obviously neither option can be removed from the gun without unlocking it via the key.
Also obvious, the GOSAFE solutions don’t prevent the theft of your firearm, they just prevent its operation.
It’s a unique solution. I’m not entirely sure the Mobile Safe offers too much more than a simple (and free, because it’s included with every handgun) cable lock, though perhaps it’s more difficult to defeat since it can’t simply be snipped by a bolt cutter or decent wire cutters.
The Mobile Mag is $99.99 and the Mobile Safe is $79.99. GOSAFE makes them to fit GLOCK 17, 19 and 34 pistols with Smith & Wesson M&P and SIG SAUER models coming soon.
Find out more at https://gosafenow.com/
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