
Texas Homeowner Goes WWE on Armed Burglar, Kills Him with Defensive Choke Hold


All choked up at WWE Raw on Jan. 29, 2024. WWE Image

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A rifle-toting burglar stormed a Midland, Texas, home over the weekend in an effort to rob its occupants, but discovered too late it was going to take more than the sight of a firearm to scare the homeowner into giving over the goods. Police responded to a call for a “disturbance with weapons,” but by the time they got there, they found someone dead, and it wasn’t the homeowner.

Police reported that upon arrival at the scene they found 37-year-old George Samuel Butler dead. Butler, the intruder, allegedly entered the home “by force with a rifle” when the unidentified homeowner, refused to submit and, despite not being armed himself, “placed the suspect in a choke hold” until he expired.

For Butler, it appears a fitting demise in that he got what he attempted to deliver during a previous home invasion in July 2022. In that instance, the Midland Reporter-Telegram, reports the Midland Police Department was called to a scene where a woman reported Butler had kicked in her door and entered her home. When Butler refused to exit the home after police arrived, they entered the residence and attempted to place him in handcuffs.

Butler resisted, placing an officer in a headlock and bloodying his nose before officers were able to control him and secure him with handcuffs.

Guess that’s two things Butler didn’t learn: don’t break into houses and place the pressure of a chokehold a little lower than the head. Fortunately, those lessons don’t matter now as Butler will no longer present a threat to anyone in Midland or anywhere else for that matter.

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