
WHEN ‘SORRY’ DOESN’T CUT IT: Mom Says Her Stabby 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Just a Boy’


Screen capture by Boch via Facebook.

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Bad people with evil in their hearts pick the time and place of their attacks. We all know that the only thing that stops bad people (and lunatics) with evil in their hearts is a good person with a gun. Which is why prudent and responsible gun owners should carry everyday.

In a “should have been a defensive gun use” incident in Houston, a 12-year-old with near-zero self-control stabbed a 59-year-old woman. What possessed this young man to grab a knife following an argument with an adult and return to stab her? Because he was mad at the older woman. But he didn’t just stab her once, he stabbed her multiple times, leaving her in critical condition.

Thanks to a neighbors security cameras, cops had some nice video of the offender doing the deed.

Cops arrested the would-be killer. The local media tracked down the mother and she appeared on camera to say she was “sorry” for her kid’s actions. “He’s just a boy,” she said in the interview.

Then she tried to spin it that her stabby son “struggled” with some mental health issues.  But that he’s “just a boy.”

Is mom sorry for her 12-year-old’s uncivilized actions, or is she sorry he got caught?

KPRC has more details:

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas – A day after a 12-year-old boy was arrested for stabbing a woman in northwest Harris County, his mother is apologizing to the victim and her family.

The 12-year-old boy is accused of stabbing a 59-year-old woman outside of her April Valley Court home on Saturday afternoon. He is charged with aggravated assault.

According to investigators with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the woman, who suffers from a mental illness, got into a verbal argument with the 12-year-old and his younger brother, 7, around 2:00 p.m.

The boys rode off on their bikes but were then caught on camera returning approximately 12 minutes later. It’s in that video you see the boys rush up to the woman standing in her garage. The 12-year-old boy is accused of stabbing the woman several times in the abdomen.

Multiple stab wounds? That young man likely intended to kill that woman. But according to mom, “he’s just a boy.”

No, he’s not a boy. He’s a violent predator without self-discipline or control, and is a danger to society.

It’s too bad his victim didn’t practice home carry. But then again, mom would then be calling for a wrongful death lawsuit if the neighbor woman, facing a homicidal 12-year-old with a kitchen knife, had put the perp down like a rabid dog.

Yes, home carry stands as a tool in the toolbox when facing potential threats in and around the home. Sure, 99.99% of the time you’ll never need it, but you may never need a fire extinguisher or smoke detector in your home (unless you’re using the smoke detector as a cooking timer), but we still have them and keep them in working order.

Because things happen. It’s true that few of us would dream a 12-year-old neighborhood kid would try to stab you to death with a kitchen knife. Or that someone would climb into a second floor apartment and attack a homeowner. Most of us avoid bad places and bad people, but sometimes you might face a home invader with a hatchet.  Or a pair of guys in your wife’s car in front of the house.  Or getting clubbed to death with a log while trying to stack your firewood.

The possibilities we may need to defend ourselves against are endless.

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