
[ad_1] Next Post Coming Soon…▶ Former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump spoke to an exuberant crowd on Saturday at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Dallas and promised to continue his unwavering support of the Second Amendment over the next four years. Before the speech,Read More →


[ad_1] U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Next Post Coming Soon…▶ A joint resolution of disapproval introduced on Wednesday in the U.S. Senate seeks to block the Biden Administration’s Final Rule that outlaws  most private sales by changing the definition of who is “engaged in the business” ofRead More →


[ad_1] West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey Next Post Coming Soon…▶ The Biden Administration’s attempted exportation of so-called “red-flag” laws to the states through the recently created National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center is drawing fire from the top law enforcement officers of nearly half the states.   LedRead More →


[ad_1] Steven Dettelbach, director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Next Post Coming Soon…▶ The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) under President Joe Biden seems to have been turned loose to make as many new restrictive gun laws as possible—Congress and American citizens be damned. Hot onRead More →


[ad_1] Next Post Coming Soon…▶ The trial for Hunter Biden on illegal gun possession charges is set to begin June 3 in Delaware. Biden, the son of anti-gun President Joe Biden, faces felony charges for purchasing a firearm while on illegal drugs, lying on the federal NICS background check formRead More →

How Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is Directing the War on Guns

[ad_1] (AP Photo/Nati Harnik) Next Post Coming Soon…▶ The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention has become a significant threat to our guns and our civil rights. When the office was unveiled in September 2023, President Joe Biden said it would, “centralize, accelerate, and intensify our work to saveRead More →


[ad_1] (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Next Post Coming Soon…▶ Another defeat for Biden’s war on guns always gets the week off to a good start. On July 1, a Federal District Judge threw out the ATF’s “frame and receiver” that bans so-called ghost guns. The ATF asked the Fifth Circuit toRead More →


[ad_1] ATF agent poses with rifles (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File) Next Post Coming Soon…▶ From the NRA-ILA . . . On Tuesday, Joe Biden issued an executive order on gun control that could accurately be described as a mile wide and an inch deep. Media and gun control groups that beforehand hadRead More →


[ad_1] President Joe Biden (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Next Post Coming Soon…▶ It is time for President Joe Biden to drop the gun control charade. He – along with his Capitol Hill gun control supporters – were never interested in curbing criminal misuse of guns. They are only interested in controllingRead More →