Should More People Be Carrying Discreet Anti-Terror Kits?

[ad_1] Next Post Coming Soon…▶ It seems like only yesterday that guns like the Ruger LCP were at peak popularity. People carried a pistol because they feared carjackers and muggers, and those people tend to only be a foot or two away. The “So anyways, I started blasting” approach seemedRead More →


[ad_1] Next Post Coming Soon…▶ Ruger just updated their popular American line of rifles with the American Rifle Generation II. Upgrades include a three position tang safety and a more rigid and ergonomic stock. The tang safety harkens back to the old Model 77 that I grew up with, beingRead More →


[ad_1] The venerable AR-15 platform rifle can seemingly do anything and chamber any cartridge…as long as it’s intermediate. Well, mostly intermediate. AR-15s in the 7.62×39 have always been an interesting conundrum. Some work perfectly well while others will have problems from day one. Those problems include light primer strikes, weakRead More →

[ad_1] Are you stockpiling ammo? Amongst all the critical supplies that survivalists stockpile, there is nothing more controversial than ammunition. When it comes to food and water, you never hear someone saying, “That’s too much.” But you can hear that with ammo. You can also hear a lot of peopleRead More →

[ad_1] 9 ‘Survival Guns’ That Will Keep You Alive In Any Situation | Image source: There are countless stories of folks getting stranded in the wilderness unarmed and with few supplies. And in many cases, their lack of preparation cost them their lives. There also are many stories ofRead More →

[ad_1] off-hand shooting The average range environment tends to box shooters into a situation that focuses more on safety than it does on developing the skills you need to survive a gun battle. The safety angle isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Most shooting ranges are designed to accommodate both theRead More →

[ad_1] Shotguns: Weapons For Home Defense Shotguns are one of the most popular weapons for home defense, but they’re also one of the most misunderstood. Let’s look at a few myths and realities of them:   Myths 1. The Pump Action Will Always Drive People Away. When an intruder hearsRead More →